Halloween in Dublin

We went with a few of their buddies from creche. I have no idea why I didn’t emphasize the candy part of Halloween sooner. After the first house, G’s eyes were wide with excitement as if he couldn’t believe his luck. “Let’s go to the next house!” he said, after every house.

This is another friend. The three of them would shuffle to a door and knock one at a time in a back-of-the-wrist, barely audible knock, then they would step far back from the threshold, apparently in case they encountered something other than a candy-offering stranger. A few households invited us all the way in, in the tradition that the children would do a song or dance for their treat. The moms ended up performing on behalf of their children. All we could come up with was the theme song to “Bob the Builder.”

19 thoughts on “Halloween in Dublin

  1. Carved a pumpkin in the kitchen after our grandson sketched a face on it: four fangy teeth gave the grin a touch of the sinister. Lighted candle inside this orange gourd welcomed the little beasties and damsels to our door. Promise I won’t eat so much of the leftover chocolate next year. Fat chance.

    • The great damp means a jack-o-lantern in Ireland doesn’t last very long…last year we carved too early and by Halloween, the face had caved in, which was also a spookiness we didn’t intend!

      Would that I could trade some of these Cadbury chocolates for a Reese’s peanut butter cup!

  2. So so cute! love the image of them retreating from the doorstep and of course the performance of Bob the Builder on behalf of the littles!

  3. You CAN fix it….sorry couldn’t resist! Loved seeing the little guys all dressed up. Halloween in FL is a very strange deal–no sign of Fall anywhere so everyone decorates a lot, and hopes the jack o lanterns won’t be disgusting by nightfall between the bugs and the heat!

    • If I didn’t have such a terrible, terrible singing voice I would make an effort to learn some other songs. I have my own songs that I’ve made up, but already G throws his hand up and says, “Don’t sing.”

      Mmm, I never thought about the FL heat/humidity and jack-o-lanterns. Yuck! The one Christmas I spent in L.A. (when hugely pregnant and unable to travel) I secretly LOVED, despite the lack of seasonal appropriateness. Here’s to the holiday season, and hoping it makes you feel more at home there, palm trees and all.

  4. They look adorable. Our trick or treating experience in England was not quite so great or organized. I ran around like a lunatic and it was all a bit of a letdown. I’m glad you had fun. Can’t you get Reese’s peanut butter cups there? You can get them lots of places here.

  5. Dad & I loved seeing G & C all dressed up & enjoying trick ir treat. we didn’t realize you were longing for peanut butter cups. You can bet they will be in the next care package. Much love M

  6. Boys look adorable.so glad to have spend time with them.
    We spent Halloween in south west France where they built a big bonfire.
    We will send a pix.
    It has become an international holiday.
    Celia and Steve

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